#i posted this to my alt first oops lol
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drag0natlas · 1 year ago
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I tried out a new rendering thing with a scratchy multi-lined brush for this one, it was a bit of a learning experience but i had fun and i think it turned out ok c:
Character (Roo) belongs to my lovely friend Grass <33
Program: Procreate
Time taken: approx. 17.5 hrs
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capseisen · 1 year ago
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A "selfie card" + three full-body illustrations. Shaw [they/no pronouns], Aiden [he/it], De'ran [they/them], and Karl [no pronouns]. ,,March 2023
0 notes
trashcatsnark · 8 months ago
*Makes tea* Omg, can we please get your thoughts on the dlc and THAT ending?
Suffice to say, spoilers and a very long post, I am a verbose whore Ngl this is coming fresh off finishing it all last night, so my opinions may still be settling in a little bit and I also had to play it in more spread out sessions than I usually do with games.
Firstly, on a just a technical level, for me personally as someone who started playing at launch, finished all the endings, and had like 700+ hours in the game before Phantom Liberty was even announced- to me it felt a little out of place, granted might be because I jumped into on the tail end of an almost finished save. So, maybe for folks who started new runs it flows a bit better.
Like getting a dedicated credits listing as if the game is over after the decision at the orbital station just to cut back to Johnny going Wait, V, you're still dying!
It's a little strange, I understand you wanna give full credit to the Phantom Liberty specific team but also, was that really the only way to transition V out of the space station?
Songbird, I'm mixed on, I don't hate her but I don't love her like I think the game wanted me too. She feels a little... pushed on V for my liking. Like early on, it really felt like CDPR rattling a barbie doll at me and screaming at me to think she's the coolest thing in the universe and she's alright. I get why she does the things she does, I get that she is a narrative reflection of V, that her and Solomon honestly are meant to mirror the V and Johnny relationship.
The ideas of betrayal, the idea that the person who's trying to save you, and wants to save you the most is the very one who's gonna be your end.
I like that component for sure, like honestly, to the surprise of no one- the biggest things I got out of it was related to SilverV I also really do love Songbird's connection to the Blackwall and the way it's eating at her, I love those touches and when at the Orbital station you link with her to like- release Blackwall pulses. Very cool, still feel like there's more there to sink our teeth into, but very much liked the Blackwall in particular coming back.
My first impulse and choice was to side with Songbird, because even if I didn't love her like CDPR wanted me to, I did feel some connection to her through her being in similar situation to V and just being desperate to survive and live.
That said, it is disappointing that Songbird is... another person who was just lying to V in hopes of getting what she wanted. I get the desperation for survival, but it did feel like Hey, what if we did it again?
Like- that's what the game is, just over and over. I love it, but the game is V gets a lead, goes full steam ahead in trying to save themselves, and oop- someone was lying and V gets kicked right in the fucking teeth. Again. Again. Again. Again.
And I understood we weren't gonna get a magical fix it ending, but it is frustrating to be like- hey, wasn't it fun when the VDB betrayed V? Or when you found out Evelyn lied? Or when you finally found Hellman and all he gave was a hospice recommendation? Or when Hanako finally hears you out but only if you kill her brother and even then lol not really you're still gonna die? Or when Alt says oh btw you're still gonna die?
What if- we did it again?!
And in a similar vein, I really loved a lot of aspects of the Tower Ending (I believe it is?) where you side with the FIA.
The conversation with Johnny in the AV is fucking beautiful. That alone was worth all my money. Him saying that he feels more at peace than he ever has before, I still fuck- I love the way they play up that even in endings where Johnny doesn't necessarily agree with V's actions, he's just happy they're gonna survive. He's at peace with dying again, he's at peace knowing this time it means something to him. He died before his ideals, so convinced when he stormed Arasaka Tower that when he died in the flames it'd mean something, it'd fix something. Only to come back and find that despite everything having changed, nothing really did. He died and the world just moved on. But this time, him going means V gets to live, he gets to go out knowing (at least believing, hoping) that by doing so they'll get to live on, they'll get to fight another day, and can go away content knowing that he'll be leaving the world just little bit better of a place- because V will still be in it.
Got emotional there, my bad.
That said, beyond that component.... more of the same?
Like, it's the Devil Ending. Reskinned, revamped- but it's Devil Ending. V sided with the shadowy secretive shady corporation/agency, underwent extensive medical treatment, and oop- turns out none of your friends were worth a fuck, now deal with the consequences!
And like, I don't know, I do find the idea interesting of V no longer being able to have like combat implants and physically just not being the same, the idea of them being forced into trying to carve out a normal life after everything is actually pretty neat.
But it still feels like a reskin to me.
I also really just don't like the way CDPR tries to illustrate bad ends by making V's friends/love interests worse people? Like don't get me wrong, I can completely vibe with the idea that A) they'd have some grievances with V siding with FIA or Arasaka and B) that after two years of not knowing what happened to V, they would've moved on in some capacity.
But do they have to be like, mean?
Like Panam going full scale, don't answer the call, have Mitch tell you to fuck off. I was in a coma???? Like, I know she doesn't know that, but also maybe listen??? Like that feels like yeah, her character hasn't developed at all, she's still incredibly stubborn and won't even hear you out.
And River selling police secrets for Randy's rehab, so he's in a guilt spiral, so he just... can't meet up??? Like legit, CDPR, honey- what the fuck is your fascination with ruining this man's life? Literally, one of if not the only LI who can canonically die??? Or go to jail???? Like, what did River do to you????
Judy moving across the country and being married, I don't have inherent beef with, I think that does make sense for her character- that said, convo still feels weird, like the whole "please don't ruin this for me" like I'm sorry??? V literally nearly died for you several times and murdered for you several times and has been so nice to you- but you just assume they're gonna show up at your door and try to ruin your life? Wow, great to know what you think of me....
And of course Kerry is just busy with his career, that said I did find it kind of funny/in character that V calls and the first thing Kerry wants to do is talk about himself. Like, yeah, that's Kerry. But also, like again, the dialogue heavily implies that when he makes the bare minimum offer of hey... maybe we can hang out in four months, that no- you probably won't, it's bullshit.
Like, it just sucks because I really love all of these characters and feel like they do genuinely have love and affection for V, but this constant- oh nope they're all abandoning you, oof, pull on any ending that isn't Star or Sun is just.... frustrating and really undermines it and honestly reinforces that V's best friend and the one person who cares for them most is fucking Johnny.
Vik selling out to Zetatech also sucked ass, don't do that to my ripper- but hey, at least he made five fucking minutes for V. Even if he spent trying to convince them he's happy and eventually they will be too.
Misty I loved seeing again in the ending- though I don't know why, maybe it's just me- is her VA suddenly doing a harley quinn impression??? Like that kind of Boston(?) accent she suddenly has in the DLC for .... no fucking reason? That said, even if I'm sad to see her go, I am happy she's finding her peace, though kind of wish there was a "can I go with you?" option, because- V literally doesn't have a home anymore??? Maybe someone should help them.... not be homeless, that'd be cool. Maybe my V wants to go to the old forest in Poland too???
Also, also- Delamain, more of a true friend than any of the love interests in that ending. Picked V up, got them booze for them and Vik, helped them catch up on news, said they missed them, and were happy to see them again. Fuck yeah, Delamain.
But uhhh, overall, I think my opinions are there are some interesting and fun things within the DLC, some fun concepts that I definitely wanna play with in my fanfic. Some solid fucking SIlverV content. But like narratively and story wise- it's just alright. It's nothing ground breaking, I don't feel like the game needed it, I don't feel like it "fixed" the game. I think people who got into Cyberpunk 2077 through Phantom Liberty and praise it as what "saved" the game- just like Cyberpunk 2077. Like, cause the DLC is more of the same, like it's fun, it's a good time but it's the same narrative structure we've had times 3 within the main game. It's like if I eat a sandwich, and CDPR said "Hey, I know what will go well with that-" and handed me a third of the same exact kind of sandwich. I don't dislike it, I liked the sandwich, a lot- but also it doesn't complement or add to it like a side dish or a dessert might to a meal. It's a just a bit of the same- maybe it has a slightly new condiment on it, but its overall the same.
Like I said, this might change if/when I do a full replay of the game and can handle doing it as like a full run rather than kind of tacking it onto the end of another save. I think that might help with making it feel a bit more a part of the story.
But I think I'd still land in the same overall space of, it's was alright- some parts I loved more than others, and if this had been in the base game, I'd probably feel very different because Reed and Songbird probably wouldn't feel as sprung on V to me.
All that said, I also do feel a bit more confident and secure in how I'm gonna implement it into my fic- which is gonna mean heavy rewrites which should be fun. So, I definitely got a little something to sink my teeth into.
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vamqiredove · 11 months ago
OKOK @indigoartistqueen i'll ramble and elaborate err i'm keepin it here cause this rlly isn't smthing i want on slaingelo especially bc i get a bit mad in this oops
CAMERAS LIKE THAT ARE USELESS. ALSO THEY MAKE SHIT WORSE IF YOU ARE PARANOID. having them inside your house is unnecessary unless you're convinced someone's living in your house without you knowing. otherwise it does nothing but take up electricity or batteries and money ect ect whatever. If you unnecessarily install cameras you're going to be checking them constantly. and also within the context of just "waah my big strong man is out for a week i'm so scareed i'm going to put cameras inside my house" WHAT IS THAT GOING TO DOOOOOOOOOOO SOMEONE HAS TO /ALREADY BE BROKEN IN TO YOUR HOUSE/ FOR THAT TO BE "USEFUL" AT ALL AND BY THAT POINT IT'S NOT SECURITY WHATTTTTT
like other people said in that post, security like that makes it impossible to get out of your house fast/give first responders a hard time getting in. I have a bar in my window. it's removable from the inside very easily and all it serves to do is keep the window from opening more than a few inches. this mf would install damn prison bars if her husband had to go away for a month.
IF YOU'RE THAT PARANOID ABOUT LOCKS GET A FUCKING DEADBOLT AND/OR CHAINLOCK OH MY GOD. first responders are more likely to know how to get around those than "mobile locks" what the fuck is a mobile lock. OH WAIT !! SHE ALREADY HAS A DEADBOLT AND SHE'S DOUBLING UP WITH THE MOBILE LOCK. HUH ???????????????????????????????????
YOU WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW YOU ARE HOME.... when I'm home alone I actively try to make it look like someone's always awake. do I go over the top locking every door and window in the house and leave the curtains facing the backyard closed and did I once move furniture to block my bedroom door in order to sleep ? yeah sure but I'M MENTALLY ILL. WHAT I'M SCARED OF ISN'T EVEN PEOPLE BREAKING INTO MY HOUSE FFS IT'S MONSTERS THAT AREN'T REAL BUT MY DELUSIONAL BRAIN CONVINCES ME IT IS REAL TO THE POINT OF INSOMNIA IN PARTICULARLY BAD EPISODES. I AM NOT THE AVERAGE WHITE AMERICAN WOMAN FOR I AM NOT EVEN ANY OF THOSE THINGS
literally the only way I can see someone going this far for security in a way that ISN'T just "this is an ad" and/or "i am trying to brew fascism" is if someone fell into the delusion of being gangstalked, and in which case, they probably aren't posting their entire security system online because they'd be convinced their stalkers are watching their every move online and offline lol... it sure as hell wouldn't be framed like this either. also if it was the case she'd still be scared while her husband was home. it wouldn't magically appear when he's done, it would be constant.
doing shit like this isn't normal nor healthy, it's either a sign of going severe into the alt right pipeline and/or severe mental health issues that are going unchecked bc those are absolutely not mutually exclusive.
even the "keeping a flashlight nearby" thing is stupid in the sense that I DO THAT. BECAUSE WE FREQUENTLY GET POWER OUTAGES HERE ???????????????? what's it going to do if there is an intruder are you going to shine it in their fuckin face. what, can't see them thru your aesthetic lighting ?? what's the fuckin whistle going to do ... you've isolated yourself your home alone it's a WHISTLE. at the veyr least get a fucking weapon, HUH ?????????????
honestly I don't even know how coherent any of this is, it pisses me off a lot. I've done a lot of shit to try and feel "safe" and frankly it feels insulting especially given my minor agoraphobia too [ can't leave the house alone, i always need a friend or family w/ me ] especially the weird way this shit is made aesthetic. AGAIN. LIKE THE FUCKIN PURPLE LIGHTING IN THE VIDEO. AND ALSO THE SLEEK TECH.
the aesthetic-ification of that video is probably what REALLY gets me mad about it though.. like it really just makes it feel like an ad playing both on white peoples fears and mentally ill people.
blah blah my experiences aren't universal and my delusional paranoia isn't "that bad" compared to other ppls. whatever. i don't like it either way
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acaciapines · 11 months ago
hello bestie!!!!! omg this might be my first ask not anon… end of an era… for the ask game, 5 for either the madoka magica daemon au or for homegrown hearts :p
for you i will do them BOTH.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
hmmmm this is actually tough lol. i think for madoka it would be 'literally how did amy become How She Is' just because i dont. think? anybody picked up on it when i was posting the fic, but!!! homura madoka-ed amy.....put 'adopting the cat' right there on the same level as 'saving madoka' cause to save madoka she has to keep this dumb cat alive, and. well. same thing that happened to madoka happened to amy. things started to coalesce around her until oops!!! thats your daemon now!
for homegrown hearts i think it would be the very basic 'what is ralsei's last name' since like the entire fic starts 'cause susie needs one lol. when i posted the fic i had no idea what ralsei + susie adopt as a last name but i have one now! okeanos! from the greek titan oceanus (im like 99% sure this is an alt spelling but i do Not have my notes from when i picked this name out) who is associated with a river that circled the entire world and i think ralsei is someone who would really love the ocean...its this thing that goes, and keeps going, and when you're out there its just. ocean far as you can see and no land at all. its very different from the constraints of a dark world!! and so she picks it as a last name.
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destinedarts · 10 months ago
🙈 Need Mandarin translations/confirmations for the messages the lmk creators left ASAP 🙈
Long story short, we tried to spread the animation studio switch letter Sarah posted. I speedran to Xiaohongshu (LittleRedBook/RedBook/RED); Instagram equal for China cause thought no one else would do it. This was before we found out the rest of the crew would send their regards as well.
Idk Mandarin at all so would appreciate any help. Literally just dumped everything into Google Translate.
Priority is everything in the 1st image. 2nd pic is just explanations I wrote for them in case they don't know, which idk how much they know about Flying Bark besides the fact that they thought their animation was awesome. Sometimes they share the storyboards on Bilibili/Weibo but that's about it.
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Put them as images cause I was gonna post on Twitter, but coming here first, which also might be better instead.
The RedBook Post
Might need to go through some verification check, basically sliding things across the screen. No sign in should be required to view, though it could vary between countries.
Short Link: http://xhslink.com/kkPC3I
Link: www.xiaohongshu.com/explore/663ee802000000001e01c1bb
If I don't get any sort of translation confirmations, I'm gonna have to update the post anyways. Right now, it's also full of ugly edits cause first time ever posting and I actually ran off to make this like the minute we were asked to do so in mk central discord. Gonna make it look nicer now that I realize it's gained traction. >_>
There's a lot of upset/angry/sad/mad fans on RedBook, Douyin, and Bilibili. Much like how we had the wildfire and death threats on Twitter except I think not as extreme to the point of sending death threats... thankfully. They didn't know about the studio change. Honestly, just trying to give them facts and reminding them they have part of the power to get the show cancelled or not; but also not telling them what to like or not like/stop grieving/etc.
Literally one of the RedBook comments on the S5 trailer LEGO China uploaded contains the picture from my post (cause I added disclaimer that it's not lego official translated). So I definitely would like to have the other translations down if they're just sharing around pictures like that. 😬 And note that they're all sharing the Mandarin ones; not the English even though I did provide them. I don't have Douyin and I dunno if I can upload on Bilibili. Weibo has been covered. Idk if there's other Chinese soc med I'm missing.
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Notes for translation
Exact Mandarin/English text used in the ALTs of the pictures and "Keep Reading" section cause I realize ALT can’t copy and paste if needed
Uh please write down exactly what phrase to change, cause I do not understand any of the characters except the show title heh
1000 character limit for post, including tags and characters
Tags used: #lego乐高 #lego #悟空小侠 #乐高中国 #乐高悟空小侠 #乐高悟空小侠5年庆 #第五季 #齐小天 #孫悟空 @LEGO乐高 #乐高 If there's more that's helpful, please let me know lol been riding on these tags. If I can, I'll put English hashtags, but depends on character limit; Chinese is a priority
20 character limit for title, which I've chosen: 悟空小侠电视剧的未来🐒导演和编剧的笔记 (basically "future of LMK, directors & writers' statements/notes")
Crew member names and titles were written in the Mandarin dub credits, shown in 2nd pic. Not changing those in translations.
"Harbinger of Chaos" doesn't exist in the Mandarin version... I think? based on the s4 e7 subtitles we had way long ago. Changed Breen's tweet so it said to "find out more about MK." I guess I could've put "demon monkeys" but left that out in case they actually don't address it in the season. And idk the mandarin phrase they used for that
WildBrain Studios doesn't have a proper mandarin translation according to all the Mandarin dubbed Ninjago episodes so just kept it English
Idk if I forgot something, been having hard time keeping track of stuff oop I'll add more if there is more
From Christian: 谢谢悟空小侠粉丝们!
这是一个非常贴近我们旋风狗制片所有人的心的系列。 我为我们的团队感到无比自豪,他们在这些美好的岁月里一起工作,成为了一家人。
对于所有悟空小侠粉丝的热爱和奉献,我们感到非常幸运。 你们是我们长期努力的原因,我们将永远感激不已。
这场演出由 Wild Brain 出色的团队负责,我希望他们和我们一样享受这次旅程。
这张照片是我在悟空小侠中的最后一场演出。 我已经非常想念这些猴子了,但我对未来感到兴奋,迫不及待地想分享我们接下来要做的事情。<3
From David:
悟空小侠第五季要来了! Wildbrain 将接替旋风狗制片留下的巨大足迹。 团队中充满了才华横溢、充满激情的艺术家,我们迫不及待地想让大家了解更多关于齐小天的信息!
From Deirdre:
乐高悟空小侠第五季即将到来,猜猜谁写了三集? 我🤭
Sorta Needed
Please note that I did use a translator (and friends) to write this article. I'm a western fan but I have access to the app. And please spread the word too. I don’t have much contact with Chinese social media.
请注意,我确实使用了翻译来写这篇文章。 [Could swap to saying friends instead of translator.] 我是西方粉丝,但我可以访问应用程序。也请广而告之。 我与中国社交媒体没有太多联系。
Former series directors and writers from Flying Bark Productions, as well as current writers, have all issued statements regarding the handling of the series.
旋风狗制片(Flying Bark Productions)的前系列导演和编剧以及现任编剧都就该系列的处理发表了声明。
Sarah Harper served as series director from S1 -3 before fully becoming a writer for several episodes in S4. Some of her series credits include "The Jade Emperor" and "Rip and Tear."
莎拉·哈珀(Sarah Harper)在第一季到第三季中担任系列导演,之后在第四季的几集中完全成为编剧。她的一些剧集包括《天庭大对决》和《青毛狮之怒》。
Christian Barkel served as animation director for the first three seasons and was promoted to series director in the fourth season.
克里斯蒂安·巴克尔(Christian Barkel)在前三季担任动画导演,第四季晋升为系列导演。
David Breen is currently a writer on the show's fifth season. He served as script supervisor for S1-3 before being promoted as one of the show's writers. Some of the episodes he has written are "The Brotherhood" and “A Lifetime of Mistakes."
大卫·布林 (David Breen) 现任该剧第五季的编剧。 在晋升为该剧的编剧之一之前,他担任第一季到第三季的剧本总监。 他编写的一些剧集有《青毛狮之谜》和《寻找美猴王》。
Deirdre Devlin is also a writer on season five. She was brought on as a writer in the fourth season. Her three episodes are "The Great Tang Man", "Court of the Yellow Robed Demon", and "Pitiful Creatures".
迪尔德丽·戴夫林(Deirdre Devlin)也是第五季的编剧之一。她在第四季中担任编剧。她的三集是《小天遇三藏》 、《神秘的“朋友”》、《受困保护咒》。
Not Needed but would be nice
Flying Bark Productions has withdrawn from the animation production of "Monkie Kid". Since 2020, they have been continuously invited to participate in new projects, such as "Disney's" "Moon Girl and the Demon Dinosaur" and "Avatar Studio"'s upcoming "Avatar" film in 2026.
旋风狗制片已退出《悟空小侠》的动画制作。 自2020年以来,他们不断受邀参与新项目,例如“Disney”的《月亮女孩與惡魔恐龍》以及2026年“Avatar Studio”即将上映的《降世神通》影片。
From now on, WildBrain Studios will animate the series. They were also responsible for the Ninjago TV series, although that was in 3D rather than a 2D TV series like Monkie Kid. The writers and voice actors remain the same, but new people could join the team.
从现在开始,WildBrain Studios 将制作该系列动画。 他们还负责《幻影忍者》电视剧,尽管该剧是 3D 的,而不是像《悟空小侠》那样的 2D 电视连续剧。 编剧和配音演员保持不变,但可能会有新人加入团队。
Some artists work as freelancers for the team. I don't know how WildBrain Studios' 2D department hires their artists. If they were invited back to the show, some of their work might be similar to their work from previous seasons. But that consistency may not hold true under new directors. We'll have to wait until the end of the season to see the TV show's credits.
一些艺术家作为团队的自由职业者。 我不知道WildBrain Studios的2D部门是如何聘请他们的艺术家的。 如果他们再次受邀参与节目,他们的一些作品可能会与前几季的作品相似。 但在新董事的领导下,这种一致性可能不会成立。 我们必须等到本季结束才能看到电视节目的制作人员名单。
Previous seasons used "frame-by-frame" animation, all drawn by hand. Based on the trailer, the new season appears to include the use of "rig animation," which is the use of technology to move characters and objects.
All of these changes will impact Season 5 and beyond. I don't know how fan support affects entertainment distribution in China, but over here, if a show doesn't get enough views upon release, it may be abandoned by the distributor and have a hard time continuing. We will give as much support as possible in the West, although the success of the Monkie Kid LEGO sets and TV show has always and will always depend on its performance in China.
所有这些变化都将影响第五季及以后的内容。 我不知道粉丝的支持如何影响中国的娱乐发行,但在这里,如果一个节目在发行时没有获得足够的观看次数,它可能会被发行商放弃,很难继续下去。 我们将在西方给予尽可能多的支持,尽管悟空小侠乐高套装和电视节目的成功将始终取决于其在中国的表现。
Change can be difficult, and it's okay if you feel disappointed or upset. While waiting over the past year, we’ve been teased by the writers and voice actors that this story will be emotional and heartbreaking, and we trust the writers who have carried the story of Monkie Kid, so I hope you will consider watching season 5.
整个变化可能会令人震惊,如果您感到失望或不安也没关系。 在过去一年的等待中,我们被编剧和配音演员取笑,说这个故事将是感人且令人心碎的,我们相信那些承载了悟空小侠故事的编剧,所以我希望你能考虑观看这一季 5.
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dystopianam · 10 months ago
Updates about the posts of my various gameplays of the various The Sims??
I was trying to sort through my drafts on Tumblr and noticed I had over 40 drafts. I deleted the ones that I don't think I will publish anymore because I have made other similar posts that satisfy me more.
2t4 Uberhood Save (The Sims 4)
I have very old screenshots of my 2t4 uberhood which I really like aesthetically but which doesn't make sense to publish because I'm no longer playing with that save and I don't know if I'll play with it again. So I don't know whether to delete them or publish them anyway...
Uberhood 2024 (The Sims 2)
What happened to my 2021 uberhood? As I already explained in an old post, I decided to start a new uberhood because I don't like how I decided to do many things and how I handled many stories.
Furthermore, I had no longer taken screenshots (I think I had lost the desire to take screenshots because it was a complicated period, perhaps my paternal grandfather had died at that times?) I also recently discovered that the game had replaced my clean neighborhoods with vanilla ones, so I was playing on dity templates, oops (The main neighborhood and the subhoods were obviously the clean ones, but the rest of the other neighborhoods and the stealth hoods were not)
So... when I feel like it I'll make a new uberhood, but beyond this save I'll also play Paraiso En Las Rocas by LordCrumps, the ALT Uberhood with Dreadpirate's ALT neighborhoods and the Early Uberhood (Early PV & Early ST by Gutosimmer with my Early VV) ...and yes, my BACC
Store World Challenge !The Sims 3)
I have lots of screenshots in the drafts, but I'm currently at war with this save because the challenge sim is almost dying of old age, the heir is already a young adult and I can't complete the first generation because I can't have 8 perfect plants at the same time, lol
I don't know what to do, because I practically lost the challenge. Furthermore, the period in which I was playing it was the period of panic for the malicious file in Gshade, I couldn't make Reshade work on TS3 due to a conflict with LD's shaders (now I've solved it) so I took all the screenshots with filters from Nvidia Overlay...
And even in this case I stopped taking screenshots because I wanted to see if I could recover and win the first generation but I think I won't be able to.
All the children on my sim are now grown up and I don't have all the screenshots of the various age stages, sigh
Not So Berry Challenge (The Sims 3)
Well...I don't know whether to laugh or cry here. During the orange generation I didn't take screenshots because if you remember it was the period in which my paternal grandfather died. But I did them later... only I realized that the bordeless didn't work for all that time and ALL the screenshots came out dark... so now I have to see which screenshots are recoverable and I can upload 💀 Just know that all the peach generation sims are grown up now (two young adults and two teenagers)
I took some photos while I was testing the lighting mods in game, so maybe I can publish them now before uploading what I managed to recover from the bad screenshots...
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dandelionflowery · 11 months ago
Intro post!
(breast cancer awareness post here/the legends of tumblr here, variations here and here , alt link for number 7/arch nemesis Cynthia here) [the two topics are wholly unrelated]
My name on the internet is Dandelion, but you can call me whatever you like honestly. It's so hard to find a good name around here, the fae keep stealing them
I use any pronouns, online people default to they/them, IRL people default to she/her, you can use whatever you feel like!
I'm aroace 🧡💛🤍🩵💙 and my gender is up to interpretation lol
I'm 17 and I live in France but I have both French and American citizenship (so i do speak both french and english)
I have both scoliosis (diagnosed, 45°) and probably dyslexia (not officially diagnosed but all the internet tests I did were screaming at me to go get an official diagnosis- as has life lol) and those two really hate each other who deCIDED SCOLISOIS SHOULD BE SPELLED THE WAY IT IS (if i spell it correctly be aware that either I copied it from somewhere, or i thought about it for WAY too long, or it was a monkeys on keyboards thing)
I also probably have some form of undiagnosed neurodivergence, i think autism and some hints of adhd :)
I created a blog just for reblogging shit (aptly named @dandelionflowery-reblogs) but i suck at tagging stuff on most of my accounts 😭
I'm not often super active on here, at least not regularly, mostly because I have way too many classes but sometimes I go absolutely insane and spend like an entire day on here (oops)
actually i'm most active on here I think now lol
I like:
- Harry Potter (Drarry, Deamus, Romione, Linny are my main ships but there's a decent chance you could get me to like a specific portrayal of just about any pairing lol) [also fuck jkr]
- The Marauders (WOLFSTARRR! Also Jily and aroace Peter and maybe Remadora. Same thing as before: open to other pairings [I know of and appreciate the ships with the girls but usually I'll lean towards the first ones mentioned actually I'll lean towards wolfstar with background Jily and aa battery Peter)
- Reading and books in general
- Fanfics, fanart!! (Both writing/drawing them and reading/simping for them)
Speaking of which, I have a side blog that's actually technically marauders themed! @mybrain-fanficedition
- Interactions on here!!
- there's probably some other stuff I like but I can't think of anything rn
I don't like:
- Following from above, I said I was open to pretty much any pairing, ... I lied lol
Idk what jegulus did to me but i just don't like it for some reason (jegulily? lovely. jily? fantastic. jegulus? less.)
- Also the usual list of if you're pro-genocide, homophobic transphobic uh racist, pedophile or just a generally mean person
I like talking to people even if you don't know what to say just say hi!
Also I have other social media, come find me if you want!
@/flowerydandelion, @/dandelionfloweryart and @/wands.swords.and.books on Instagram!
On Ao3 I'm like 90% sure it's DandelionFlowery and uh probably similar usernames on Discord and Reddit [though I'm not often active on there]
Wait if I link my ao3 that means i need to actually post my fics lol
Leave comments if you read my fics, I love feedback!! (or just leave kudos, it makes me irrationally happy lol)
tags about my current wips featuring really bad summaries:
#third time's the charm- Lily
(not going to be the actual title i think but first i have to write it, we'll worry about titles later)
Lily decides canon sucks and she's going to do something about it
woah i wasn't lying when i said really bad summaries
> Canon happens once, and Lily watches over her son from the afterlife. When canon gets to the scene in DH where Harry gets to see his parents again, something happens and Lily finds herself back in the past, reliving her life from Harry's birth on. She plans, dies and learns. The third time, she's ready.
#our broken hearts- an ode to wolfstar (this one is subject to change bc that title is way too sappy for me)
Sirius dated Peter. And Marlene. And Lily. And James. And then Remus?
>Originally this started in the tags of some post and i mentioned Sirius x Peter, and it blew out of proportion.
>Sirius spends many years finding out who he likes, and ends up with Remus after a lot of experimenting.
totally normal link trust me :)
if you still trust me (and why shouldn't you?), here's the ULTIMATE PRIDE FLAG lol)
let's see how trustworthy you think i am
wanna see some stuff i wrote? (warning, a friend said it took them half an hour to read just the main bit lmao)
an apology 1 | 2
useful tumblr post about hobbies
side blogs: @x-lovegood @xenophilius-quibbler (Xenophilius Lovegood rp) @sybilances (Sybill Trelawney rp) @bleidd-ddyn (Remus Lupin rp) @my-rats-call-me-daddy
@antheia-anthousai (nymph oc)
@mybrain-fanficedition (as mentioned above)
@am-i-a-crab (crab army!!)
+ another two gimmick blog but i'm not saying which ones >:) [maybe i should, they're both still active lmao]
small + pink means dead accounts lol
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quinnthebard · 1 year ago
WIP ask game <3
In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you @did-you-reboot for the tag! (and terribly sorry for the HUGE delay)
I didn't think I had that many wips and now I've opened my scriv folder and I am horrified soooo, let's take a look beneath the cut lmao
anything you can do (I can do better) Gale / Tav BG3 fic one shot collection document. I technically posted one of the things in there on AO3 but the plan was to just post little snips of their nonsense because I think Gale is neat lol
Eclipse Sequel pretty self explanatory, the sequel to my WolElidibus fic that I don't even think I really started? Let me open and... There's two paragraphs? More than I expected tbh lol
Eminne Fic also pretty self explanatory. I wanted to write a Wol/Estinien fic for one of my alts but I didn't do much with it. I occasionally open it when I do have an idea but it's pretty bare
Estinien gets plowed by catboy G'raha / Estinien NSFW pwp. Yep.
Heartless The original file for my entirely original fantasy book I started. It's been since abandoned and replaced with a different scriv file.
Home I honestly don't know if I posted this anywhere. It's a WoL/G'raha one-shot that's mostly Q'wynn contemplating what home means for her. I don't remember writing this at all lmao
like the dawn 8th Umbral Calamity AU where the Ironworks failed to wake G'raha and he only did so himself much later in the timeline. Reincarnation / obviously canon divergent and Wol/G'raha. The first few chapters are on AO3 but this gets updated very sporadically oops
nald'thal I think this was meant to be nald'thal smut. I'm too scared to look.
original fiction maybe not the document I mentioned under Heartless. I don't know what this is lmao Rolan is neat Rolan / Tav fic dump where I just put ideas I have for shippy nonsense between him and Zapheria, one of my OCs lmao
Siren's Lament Actually titled Siren Song on AO3. Still a WIP. I have a lot written but not edited and real life has been a bitch so it hasn't been touched in a long time and I FEEL BAD
Stone, a working title The ACTUAL document for that original fantasy book I started writing.
tomorrow and tomorrow, evermore A post Endwalker fic that was just supposed to be cutesy and my version of the post expac content. Some is on AO3, I haven't looked at it in a long tiiiiiime
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verdantmeadows · 2 years ago
if your blog got termed for spam its probably automated and not a personal attack, and half a month is typical/reasonable wait time for customer support to get back to you considering the company size/userbase. keep in mind, they probably have a BUNCH of other tickets/other users to look at FIRST. think about the 14 days they spent NOT paying attention to your ticket, they mustve been helping the maybe hundreds of other users inbetween that time. remember, there are millions of tumblr users and a fraction of that is sending tickets... and there are different levels of importance and urgency when it comes to customer support tickets. theyre literally only human and can only help so many people in such a short time. and, of course theyd have no warning, if they think you're spam then it'd likely be automated (if you werent reported), AKA, that IS the thing they're doing to prevent bots by terminating those with certain characteristics, just targetting actual users (lol oops). if youre a computer program, and a user exhibits behavior that's similar to a spam bot, then it's all fair game; it's not like it can distinguish between a real user who, for example, might be excited for and post frequently about a particular topic, and spam, it's not a real life human looking at it, and computer programs are bound to have errors. sure its annoying for it to have inaccuracies but its the nature of computing. its important to note that changes implemented are sometimes just TEMPORARY CHANGES, just testing features out, and not permanent, if you have any complaints or suggestions, go to @wip on mondays or send a DM to @humans or send in a suggestion ticket, because they can ACTUALLY at least TRY to help you. be nice to them though. remember, tumblr is a company, but theyre made of humans and can only do so much in a certain amount of time. finite level of resources.
Genuinely zero offense, I am unable to read all this because this is a long block of text so I'm going to skim
I already got my account unterminated. I did all those things and was very polite and kind to all the people I engaged with. It took me ages to get it back. The problem is it shouldn't have happened out in the first place. I was autoflagged as spam, yeah, so I should have had just had to do a some sort of verification. And besides that, I was just flagged because I used a VPN, which is ridiculous.
I did not get flagged for posting a lot. I got flagged for something absolutely normal in which I had no way of rectifying before termination without warning.
I'm aware of how many tickets there are. It's still ridiculous. I spent at least two weeks waiting. And then I emailed them from an alternate email and they responded immediately. I'm not stupid. The way you're talking to me makes me feel stupid. I know how these things work. I'm not stupid. I'm not an inconsiderate asshole.
And literally none of this applies to me because I didn't get terminated for those reasons. I was terminated for spam detection, not true genuine spam.
If their spam detection is terminating real people because I am NOT the only person this has happened to, then their spam detection sucks and their steps they're taking are half assed.
If you see this please let me know if I misunderstood anything because again I could only skim this message. But I feel like you are explaining a lot of things to me that I already knew and I feel like I am being treated stupid.
I hope my tone doesn't sound angry or upset at you. I am not. I appreciate that you are trying to tell me things and I think that this message is in good faith and intended to be kind
I think you are probably not trying to make me feel that way in which case I apologize if I sound pouty or defensive HFKSHFJKSF
But I promise I was very polite and nice to everyone who helped me. I didn't elaborate in tags because I didn't feel the need to. But like trust me I contacted everyone I could. And they didn't respond until I emailed them from alternate emails. And then they responded almost immediately. So there's dissonance in their help of individuals.
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universal-kitty · 2 years ago
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Picrew used
In order: 
Lilac, AKA Six {Drakengard 3}  
Ruha {Drakengard} 
Dian {Replicant 1.22...}
14HD {Automata}
Sera {Re[in]carnation}
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bodgei · 2 years ago
Do I keep trying for accessibility?
I know this isn’t gonna go anyplace, I don’t really have followers here and although I follow people here, since there is no way for me to read my dashboard I don’t think anyone will read this. I started trying to use this site again about a year ago, but there is no way to make it readable for me. I can’t read posts. Something about the site coding means I have to restart a screen reader for each line brake. 
like this
and this
I have been asking for and suggesting reasonable accommodations since March - with not much in the was of response from the staff - depending on how you count it early March, second attempt first week of September, and the last update was 11-9 (basically ‘give us what phone you are using and we will see what we can do about the app. I gave them the info and they haven’t said anything to me since) I posted to humans asking how long I should wait to hear back - nothing, I tried to blaze it (hoping a mod would look at it and reach out, I didn’t expect them to actually let it blaze. Them letting something less than positive out there? LOL) also nothing. 
So here is the thing, accessibility is hard. It takes time and money, and the staff is overburdened with everyone coming here. But here’s the thing, if they had starting addressing it in March this wouldn’t be an issue at this point. They could have been working on it for months before we got here. 
Here are my suggestions as someone who is working on accessibility at her job: 
Accessibility NEEDS to be part of your FAQs and a choice for your service tickets. I searched the FAQ and could only turn up a short thing about alt text - for tickets there is “Customize your blog” and “something else” 
 on the app serif fonts should be an option, with both light and dark           background.
 look into a accessible fonts there are tons of them out there (I know sans have been sold as more accessible and for some they are, but not for everyone. 
There needs to be a way to make your dashboard have a dark serif font on a light background. I can make my blog look like that - so I can post but I can’t read my dashboard (guess what 4th person to touch my service ticket, low contrast doesn't have a serif font, so the wait for that answer was not productive) 
Also, from my reading of the case law around websites, you need to be offering different sized fonts.  
Twitter is going away, so basically I’ll be out there looking for a place that, or without social. I guess I will have a ton of spare time.    
The TOG fandom is here, so I will never really be a part of it. Once twitter is gone I will have some affinity groups on discord - but the over arching fandom? So much of it comes back to this site and without pulling whole posts off into Word to change the font I can’t even know if it is something I want to read (also I use likes to denote the posts I want to try to read and culturally this site is super shitty about that) 
One last thing - every bit of accessibility added helps non disabled people as well. 
For my fandom friends from twitter and discord, how many of you had issues when dark mode was taken away? Think about how you would feel if the staff response was “you never needed that, you just need to try harder” and then they ghost you. And then every time you try harder your fellow fans are talking about how shitty it is for people to do the only thing that, ironically, is allowing you to read that post. 
Do I care enough about this site to fight to make it better? Because I think that is what the staff isn’t understanding - I am trying to help them make this site better.
OK this really is the last thing, have some song lyrics: (from Working In A Coal Mine by  Lee Dorsey)
workin' in a coal mine Goin' down, down, down Workin' in a coal mine Oops, about to slip down Workin' in a coal mine Goin' down, down, down Workin' in a coal mine Oops, about to slip down'Course I make a little money Haulin' coal by the ton But when Saturday rolls around I'm too tired for havin' funToo tired for havin' I'm just workin' in a coal mine Goin' down, down, down Workin' in a coal mine Oops, about to slip down Workin' in a coal mine Goin' down, down, down Workin' in a coal mine Oops, about to slip downLord, I'm so tired   
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gutosimmer · 4 years ago
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lol I'm just gonna post my Early Strangetown stuff here.
~Welcome To Early Strangetown~
I've always liked the idea of a Early Pleasantview, and i thought it was a real thing, and guess what? There isn't one for download! Well... Not that I know of. So In case if there was, I decided to make a Early Strangetown, that Is 20 years before Strangetown starts (approximately), and Is loosely based In the 80´s, at least I tried to recreate an 80´s vibe from a person that didn't experience the 1980´s.
This Is my first custom Neighborhood, so be nice to me lol. If you got any feedback or question feel free to talk to me!
A big reminder! I have the Ultimate Collection, so all EPs and SPs are required for the neighborhood.
*Edit 04.23*: I've made some corrections to the hood including, giving jobs (some Sims had the memory of the job, but were unemployed) , fixing grades, and gender preferences! Also fixed some text that was misspelled lol! ( and giving bios to the sims that I forgot to give oops! )
*Edit 07.22*: Now I updated the download link! Because this new file doesn't have any stealth hoods attached, because I'm making a sub-hood version of Early Strangetown as a shopping district, I'm just keeping you updated cause If you don't have clean stealth hoods, you will have all of those bin families from the EP's
*Edit 11.06*: Another update, mostly correcting the biographies for the sims, like typos and bad grammar. And fixed the apartment that the Loste family lives.
DOWNLOAD: Early_Strangetown
Just to clarify! The maxis match version, means that the oldest parents in each family got their original face from Strangetown, and their children are genetically correct, with their facial structures matching their parents.
I hope this helps! But if you're still confused, you can message me, no problem! I'll try my best to explain lol
DOWNLOAD: Early_Strangetown_SUBHOOD
This Is a subhood version of the neighborhood, as a shopping district (OFB) you are going to put the neighborhood In this directory:
UC : C:\Program Files\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Best of Business\EP3\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
Non-UC : C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Open For Business\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
~Neighborhood Description~
Knowledge-seeking Sims move to Strangetown to find the truth. Do aliens live among us? Do Sims die mysteriously here? And is the rumor true that a woman has secretly disappeared in this town? In Strangetown, nothing is as it seems.
~Now on with the info~
I've renovated the residential lots, except 2 Cover Up Road, that's too iconic to renovate lol. And the community lots have not been changed.
About the families, they are just the parents of the premades, and the premades themselves. I´ve recreated their faces, which means that the faces are custom.
But I also included a Alt Hood, for the maxis match version of their faces (I extracted the facial structure of the premades parents from the @meetmetotheriver clean template of Strangetown, thanks to @strangetomato we have no corrupted faces!).
The hood comes with:
10 Families (The Muenda family, Nigmos, Specter, Curious, Grunt, Vandermorgan, Loste, Salamis, Loner.);
2 Families In the bin (Smith and Beaker);
9 Inhabited Residential lots;
3 Uninhabited Residential lots;
1 Apartment;
2 Community lots;
20 Adult Townies;
5 Townie Children
5 Teen Townies + 1 JOYFULL surprise!
I've made the all the sims genetically correct (through CAS). And made some genetic changes to fit the sims better, for exemple, Circe's father, his hair genetics is originally black, but i made it red, because i couldn't see Circe without her lovely red hair!
And i've given some of the sims Secondary Aspiration, just to fit the story, for example, A.P. and Jacqueline Vandermorgan, although they are Family sims, i gave them Secondary Popularity and Fortune (respectively) to fit their personal Bio.
And final thing i changed! The ages! I had to tweak some of the ages to kinda make sense, at least In my head. Like, basing of Olive's memories, at this point in the Hood, Lyla would already be dead, so i changed the time of the events, so that all of the sims would be In the same-ish stage of their life.
Here you can see the stories for the playable families!
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envythepalmtree · 4 years ago
fma blogs to follow?
Ooh I've actually been planning on making this post for a while too!
Art blogs that ID their own posts that you should follow
@morningsaidthemoon - does ids in alt text! I really love their pieces - they're kinda soft in like. color and lines? and tender if that makes sense. Multifandom, they tag fandoms.
@mildly-artsy - @mildly-nerdy's new art blog! also does them in alt text. Her lines are so clean and I love how people look in her style. Mostly FMA.
Other blogs that write IDs and/or look through the notes for IDs (that you should follow and reblog the IDed version of posts)
@liathgray - they're the author of Blackwell Springs, an extremely popular fic I have not read yet, and the A Hop, Skip, and a Jump series that I'm very much obsessed with. Multifandom, they tag fandoms.
@nerdywriiterchild - bro I love their xerxes fics so much 😔 Multifandom.
@xingeseprince - IDs almost everything. Good descriptions! Sideblog, all FMA.
@princess-of-purple-prose - the meme ID person! (They're one of the people who started a huge doc of ID templates for memes to save people spoons, which is cool.) Multifandom, tags fandoms, mostly not FMA.
Other art blogs I love
I wish I could tag like. every one of my art mutuals but alas I'd be making color of the sky 2.0 😔 So sorry if I didn't tag you, I'm kinda just scrolling through my following list and picking urls at random here, all of you guys are amazing!
@chewytran - their royai college au!! is so cute!! All their royai stuff is just. chef's kiss. Art sideblog, mostly FMA. Other fandoms are tagged.
@wawayu - their use of light and colors man!! Art sideblog, majority FMA. (Also. check their notes when rbing their art because I rb and ID like. everything they post lol)
@neorei - their homunculi art!! Wish I had art-critic-training (is that a thing) so I could properly express the emotions that their art invokes. but. ahh it's so melancholy and kinda abstract, the kind of art that you could find different meanings in. Sideblog, all FMA.
@fmamangacaps - Photoshop counts as art. Their cleaning up of manga panels and tagging system is a godsend.
@humming-fly - you probably already follow them but their team greed comics are just so funny!! I always have at least one of their pieces in my drafts that I'm procrastinating on IDing lol. Multifandom.
@pumi-envy - just. lots of art of Envy. Sometimes I'm looking through the Envy tag and the majority of it is me and this artist. I love that for us. Their style's super cute. All FMA. (again. check the notes on their art 'cause I reblog and ID everything they put on my dash)
One of those Royai writers whom posts from me and my positivity blog mutuals always seem to make it to
Don't ask me why this is a category, it's just funny to me when my positivity blog posts or posts from my positivity moots make it to Royai tumblr.
@firewoodfigs - Xingese squad!! Her prose is beautiful. So poetic and meaningful. And her poetry?? is gorgeous. Ownvoices Xingese Roy content 💚 Mostly FMA.
@lantur - wrote delicate. Go read it right now if you haven't (but also tw for parental abuse and older military officers taking advantage of mentally ill young women while they commit genocide together) Multifandom, fandoms are tagged.
@hanamuri / @royriza - literally the sweetest person and runs like 4 blogs which is iconic. Her psychoanalysis of FMA characters is super interesting. All FMA.
Other writers I love
I have a habit of reserving way too many books from the library meaning that I haven't gotten around to reading most fanfics yet, oops. That's on me.
@ta1k-less - I adore her writing style!! Fun fact, one of her atla fics was probably the first multichap fic I had finished in roughly five years. She's very funny. Love how she fleshes out Ishvalan culture. Also draws sometimes and has started IDing her own art. Mostly FMA, multifandoms, tags fandoms.
@edisacornball - boomer he knows Edward very well, if that makes sense. Like, reading his fics I can tell that he understands Edward as a character very well. His Edwin fics are great. Has been in the FMA fandom for 15 years or something, which is crazy to me. Multifandom, mostly FMA.
@calangkoh - metas count as writing. So not a fic writer, but their 03 metas are wonderful. Obvious spoilers for 03 if you haven't seen it yet. Sideblog, all FMA.
Well fuck, now I'm realizing that I haven't gotten around to reading any fics from the vast majority of the writers I follow. Y'all are such lovely people sorry I still need to read your fics!! I gotta update this list once I get my act together and clean up my AO3 marked for later list, lol.
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lethargic-lass · 4 years ago
More pre-CYL bait (Incoming rambles)
Late post cause I jgh from my vacation. Before I start my post, I would like to thank my fellow Tumblr users for answering the question I posted yesterday :) I hope everyone at IS, no everyone in Japan in general, are safe after the landslide that recently occurred, explaining the trailer delay.
Ok starting the post with the first unit shown on the trailer, Freyja. Talk about ultimate bait. Tbh I don’t care about her but that goat plushie cute. He just screams 😑
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Speaking of the plushie, it obviously represents Freyr who was next shown on the trailer.
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And “OH, NO HE’S HOT” intensifies😳 Huh so he got a seasonal before being a Mythic hero. Color me surprised. I guess it’s cause Freyja is on the banner and there has been a trend that siblings get summer alts (i.e. Corrin and her Nohrian sibs, Laevatein and Laejarn)
HOT damnnn who would’ve thought he was buff under those robes?! It may not be the Summer Hrid I wanted but it’s a good compromise lol. Freyr’s voice be like ASMR. I could fall asleep, maybe have happy dreams, listening to him speak. And that bicep cuffs, is a damn good addition to his art. Really hugs his muscles tight oop👌 Ayt that’s it, I guess I’ll try to summon a lil for Freyr.
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Next up, we have another buff dude incoming! Finally, our prayers have been granted! Again, no Hrid or Bruno (since this is a mixed banner) but damnnn Ogma’s art is a fine upgrade to his OG art. Tho there are 2 things I noticed upon Ogma’s reveal. First, he somehow got lighter (in terms of hair and skin color *no intentions of racism here*). Second, his actor has been recasted for some reason. If I’m not mistaken, I think his old VA, Travis Willingham’s last role in FEH was Lon’qu as characters who were voiced by the said VA in their original games like Garon have been recasted, many of which Patrick Seitz took over the role but that’s not the case for S! Ogma. I’m not familiar with his current VA but his voice sounds great! Tho I still wonder why Travis hasn’t had a role in FEH since. He’s one of my fav VAs of all time which is why I made this comment. I hope the case is not like Chris Niosi or Vic Mignogna, considering that he is married to fellow voice actress Laura Bailey. So if anyone knows about Willingham’s absence, feel free to drop some news in the comments. I’m curious.
So the buff dudes have been revealed, leaving the Harmonic unit this time. Plumeria is another obvious choice but having Caeda as her partner shocked me. I haven’t played FE1 and its remakes so I don’t know much about Caeda but this pairing seems odd. Also, thanks to the Harmonic convo vid, I just learned that her name is pronounced as “Ceda or Cda” even, so silent a. Anyway, their weapon is basically like Y! Caeda but with more wall of text hooray. Cue that “Ah shit here we go again” flashbacks from encountering her in Rival domains. Welp, time to bring B! Lysithea to the fray to counter her lol.
So the buff dudes have been revealed, leaving the Harmonic unit this time. Plumeria is another obvious choice but having Caeda as her partner shocked me. I haven’t played FE1 and its remakes so I don’t know much about Caeda but this pairing seems odd. Also, thanks to the Harmonic convo vid, I just learned that her name is pronounced as “Ceda or Cda” even, so silent a. Anyway, their weapon is basically like Y! Caeda but with more wall of text hooray. Cue that “Ah shit here we go again” flashbacks from encountering her in Rival domains. Welp, time to bring B! Lysithea to the fray to counter her lol.
So the buff dudes have been revealed, leaving the Harmonic unit this time. Plumeria is another obvious choice but having Caeda as her partner shocked me. I haven’t played FE1 and its remakes so I don’t know much about Caeda but this pairing seems odd. Also, thanks to the Harmonic convo vid, I just learned that her name is pronounced as “Ceda or Cda” even, so silent a. Anyway, their weapon is basically like Y! Caeda but with more wall of text hooray. Cue that “Ah shit here we go again” flashbacks from encountering her in Rival domains. Welp, time to bring B! Lysithea to the fray to counter her lol.
Ayt I’m done rambling. Wishing y’all luck in your summons in this banner and future banners in general!
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daeyeolss · 5 years ago
how I make my gifs: a tutorial
Hi everyone! Just in case someone asks in the future + for those curious, I'm here with a tutorial on how I make gifs! If you have any questions whatsoever, please do send me an ask! I’ll be glad to help! The gif I made with this tutorial is the one right here! 
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So... let’s start this tutorial with the programs I use.
Adobe Photoshop 2020 - To make the gifs, majority of the work is done in this program.
TopazLabs (Topaz DeNoise 6 and Topaz Clean 3) - To "denoise" and "clean" the gifs, as the names would suggest. Links for download: Topaz DeNoise 6 & Topaz Clean 3
KMPlayer (an alternative would be PotPlayer, or any other video playing program that allows you to capture the frames) - To capture the frames. - I use an older version of KMPlayer, though I don't know which exact version that is.
Now let’s continue onto how I use these programs to create gifs!
Step 1: After you’ve downloaded the necessary programs, download your video. The way to get the best gifs? Quality videos. That’s the first step. For K-pop performances, I recommend this website (the hq files are in .ts form, KMPlayer should be able to open these). Bookmark it! It’s really handy :) Get the video you want to make a gif from and open it in KMPlayer (or PotPlayer or any other program, but for this tutorial I’ll use KMPlayer). Open your video in said program and look for the part you want to make a gif of. Then press CTRL+G (I apologize because I cannot for the life of me remember if this was a standard shortcut or not)
Step 2: After pressing CTRL+G, you’ll be met with this screen:
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I’ll briefly explain the numbered parts, but before that, these are my standard settings and just make sure you have them all the same and it should be good!
1: This is where your captured frames will be extracted to. I have them extracted to the standard folder, but you can change this if you want to. You’ll need this folder later when opening the frames!
2: Like it says, this is the image format. I use PNG in the highest quality, as the name would suggest, for the quality.
3: These are the amount of frames the program captures. Say you put in every 2 or 4 frames, you’ll get more choppy gifs. To get the smoothest gifs, put “every frame” (this in turn will increase the gif size as the amount of frames will obviously be bigger).
Once you’ve put in the correct settings and you’ve put the slider where you want the capturing process to start, press “start” (now, before you do this I recommend putting the video on mute as the audio will start to get kinda demon-y the longer you record lol save your ears pls). Then, when you’ve captured all the frames you need, pause the video, press CTRL+G again and click “stop” and close the pop-up/program.
Step 3: It’s time to open up Photoshop! Then go to File > Scripts > Load Files into Stack... (for older versions/another version I used in the past this one didn’t work and I had to use the “Load Multiple DICOM Files...” instead. It should work similarly though, if I remember correctly).
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You then get a little pop-up that looks like this:
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All you have to do here is click “browse” and navigate to the folder where your captured frames have been saved in. Select all the frames you need, wait for them to load in and then click “OK”!
Step 4: Depending on the amount of frames you’ve selected to load in, as well as the beefiness of your PC/laptop, the frames loading part might take a little while. Photoshop is importing every frame as a separate layer into one file, so just... grab a drink or something and wait a bit! When you’re done waiting, if you haven’t already, go to Window > Timeline. This will show you the animation timeline. For older Photoshop versions this is slightly different (I believe it’s called animation). Then click “Create Video Timeline” and click the 3 squares on the left bottom side (in older versions it’s on the right bottom side, not sure). 
Step 5: After you’ve done all that, you’ll want to select all your layers. You can do this by pressing ALT+CTRL+A or going to Select > All Layers. With all the layers selected, you have to go to Layer > Arrange > Reverse. You only have to do this if you used the “Load Files into Stack” option!
Step 6: After reversing all your layers, you’ll want to go to the three lines you see in the following screenshot, and click “Make Frames From Layers”.
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As the name suggests, this turns all the layers into frames. I don’t know why but the first frame will always be 5 seconds long, so to make it easy on yourself when you want to check your gif while editing, just put that on 0 for now. You can do that by clicking the seconds under the frame and clicking “No delay”. After this, check to see if you have the right frames and if you need to delete some (you can do this at any point in the process but I didn’t know where to put it in the tutorial oops).
Step 7: Time to crop the gif to the correct size! For this gif I’m using as an example, I’m making it specifically for Twitter, so the sizes aren’t that obvious (for Twitter I usually use a width of 850 px to keep it sharp, for long size gifs (more height than width for example), I add a background so that it eventually still becomes 850x850 pixels). There’s many posts on Tumblr about the correct sizes for gif/photosets, but a brief rundown of my most used sizes: one gif spanning the entire width of the post has to be 540 px in width. Two gifs next to one another need to have a width of 268 px. I use these dimensions the most! For others, you can Google! 
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Step 8: After you’ve cropped the gif, you can do either of two things: either you first add the coloring of your choice and then sharpen the gif OR you do it the other way around. I usually switch these two around depending on how sharp the gif already looks before sharpening because I can’t stand looking at 2 pixels while coloring (lmao). For this one I’ll do the sharpening first.
The whole sharpening process is actually quite simple but you need to make sure that you do the following little steps in the right order or else it won’t work! Select all the layers (CTRL+ALT+A or Select > All Layers) and then click this little thingy:
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Then you’re going to Filter > Convert for Smart Filters
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If you don’t do it in this order, your gif will end up... well, not being a gif and not moving. If that happens, track back in your history to see if you did it in the correct order! :)
Step 9: The actual sharpening process! After clicking the “Convert for Smart Filters”, you’ll want to go to Filter again and find the Topaz Labs tabs. Personally, I usually do it in the order of DeNoise first and then Clean, but this is a personal thing, really.
I recommend playing around with the settings to see what fits the gif but here are my go-to DeNoise settings (tip: save these as a preset so you only have to click that for faster giffing!):
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And my Clean settings:
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Press OK when you’re done with these and then go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen. These are my SS settings (just copy these, and again, save as a preset!):
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Depending on how sharp you want the gif to be, you can input the same settings or go to this in the layers and change the percentage.
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Now that we’re done with these... it’s time to flatten it! Just follow these little steps:
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And then you wait. Again. I know.
Step 10: After playing the waiting game, you’ll click the three little squares again and do the same thing you did earlier: “Make Frames Into Layers”. Delete the first frame. Add a coloring of your choice (can be a PSD, can be your own coloring, etc. this is honestly just... playing around with things and see what it can do). After you’ve done coloring, select all your frames (same lines as previous screenshot except now you’ll see a “Select All Frames” option, click it!) and change the time to whatever you like (I usually go for 0.05, 0.06, or 0.07. Again, just play around with this!! Try different things!) 
Step 11: Final step! Saving :) I use shortcuts a lot to make things faster so either press ALT+SHIFT+CTRL+S or go to File > Export > Save For Web. Not much to do here, just copy the following settings and save the file!
!!! NOTE: After making a new gif today I realized there’s a weird dotted border on the top of my gifs, it’s a bit difficult to explain but I had no idea what it was. Turns out that the reason why this showed up was because, as shown in the screenshot below, I had “Transparency” selected. If you’re experiencing this too, UNSELECT the transparency and it should be all good!
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Also make sure that the “Looping Options” is set to Forever, or else your gif will play only once and then stop!
Tip: While making gifs for Twitter I at one point noticed that if I added in a white background, no matter what I’d do, it’d show up as yellow-y in the preview box. After googling I found that going to the options (1 in the screenshot) and then clicking “Sort by Luminance”, then double-clicking the lightest color (not the transparent one, 2 in the screenshot) and selecting white (or FFF) will get rid of this! This likely won’t be that useful for Tumblr gifs but just in case you ever want to have a white background...!
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Then just... save, and upload to Tumblr! :)
Final note: Tumblr has a mix gif size of 3MB. If you have a gifset of 4 gifs you want to upload, all 4 gifs can be max 3MB each. Keep this in mind! If you’re over 3MB, delete a few frames and try again, or resize/crop your gif!
As it turns out, Tumblr has increased their gif size to 8MB, however, the quality tends to get compressed with larger gifs like that so per recommendation: keep them below 5MB! (thank you @yeoli​ for letting me know!)
I hope this helped! If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message and I’ll try my best to answer them.
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